Events Calendar
Below is a list of planned dates and locations for upcoming events. Any changes regarding the date or location of an event will be posted on the front page of the website, and announced on the Discord. Unless otherwise stated, the arrival time at event is 3:00 PM. Players may not be onsite, even in the parking lot, prior to the arrival time. Additionally, even if players arrive after the designated arrival time, if no Executive Officer is on site yet players must wait in the parking lot. This is because the administrators of the various event sites that Legacies uses requires the Executive Officers to check in first, prior to players occupying the site.
If there's a discrepancy between upcoming events listed here and events listed on the Legacies Larp Discord, please defer to the Discord as the most up to date location, and notify the Web team that the site is out of date. Thank you!
NOTE: Players under 18 years of age MUST bring a signed parental release waiver to each game they attend, until such time as they are 18 years of age or older. The minimum age of attendance is 16 years of age, without exception. They must also contact the Executive Officers in advance of game to obtain the owner's permission to attend. No person under 16 years of age may attend, even with a parental waiver.
Upcoming Events
Friday, August 23 to Sunday, August 25
Logistics Deadline: 2024-08-16
OOG Location: A Private LARP party hosted by Wolf and Chantelle
204 Van Hoesen Rd, Onalaska, WA 98570
IG Location: Harm's Way
Head of Plot: Alex, Term 6/6
Notes: The earliest arrival time has been changed to 6 pm for this event. Players, regardless of staff position or not, are not allowed to arrive before this time or line up on adjacent roads. Game is called at 8am Sunday, and check out time is 10am.
Friday, September 20 to Sunday, September 22
Logistics Deadline: 2024-09-13
OOG Location: A Private LARP party hosted by Wolf and Chantelle
204 Van Hoesen Rd, Onalaska, WA 98570
IG Location: TBD
Head of Plot: Anthony, Term 1/6
Notes: The earliest arrival time has been changed to 6 pm for this event. Players, regardless of staff position or not, are not allowed to arrive before this time or line up on adjacent roads. Game is called 8am Sunday, and check out time is 10am.
Friday, October 25 to Sunday, October 27
Logistics Deadline: 2024-10-18
OOG Location: Brooks Memorial State Park ELC
2465 US-97, Goldendale, WA 98620
IG Location: Crossroads
Head of Plot: Anthony, Term 2/6
Notes: Game will be held in the ELC across the street from the listed address. Players may arrive on site at 3pm. Game is called at 8am Sunday, and check out time is 10am.
Friday, December 13 to Sunday, December 15
Logistics Deadline: 2024-12-06
OOG Location: A Private LARP party hosted by Wolf and Chantelle
204 Van Hoesen Rd, Onalaska, WA 98570
IG Location: Harm's Way
Head of Plot: Anthony, Term 3/6
Notes: The earliest arrival time has been changed to 6 pm for this event. Players, regardless of staff position or not, are not allowed to arrive before this time or line up on adjacent roads. Game is called at 8am Sunday, and check out time is 10am.
Friday, January 24 to Sunday, January 26
Logistics Deadline: 2025-01-17
OOG Location: Millersylvania State Park ELC
12245 Tilley Rd SW, Olympia WA
IG Location: Fortnight
Head of Plot: Anthony, Term 4/6
Notes: Players may arrive on site at 3pm. Game is called at 7am Sunday, and check out time is 10am.
Friday, February 21 to Sunday, February 23
Logistics Deadline: 2025-02-14
OOG Location: A Private LARP party hosted by Wolf and Chantelle
204 Van Hoesen Rd, Onalaska, WA 98570
IG Location: Harm's Way
Head of Plot: Anthony, Term 5/6
Notes: The earliest arrival time has been changed to 6 pm for this event. Players, regardless of staff position or not, are not allowed to arrive before this time or line up on adjacent roads. Game is called at 8am Sunday, and check out time is 10am.
Friday, March 21 to Sunday, March 23
Logistics Deadline: 2025-03-14
OOG Location: Millersylvania State Park ELC
12245 Tilley Rd SW, Olympia WA
IG Location: Fortnight
Head of Plot: Anthony, Term 6/6
Notes: Players may arrive on site at 3pm. Game is called at 7am Sunday, and check out time is 10am.
Friday, April 18 to Sunday, April 20
Logistics Deadline: 2025-04-11
OOG Location: Coronet Bay Retreat Center
400 Cornet Bay Rd, Oak Harbor WA
IG Location: TBD
Head of Plot: Connie, Term 1/6
Notes: Players may arrive on site at 3pm. Game is called at 7am Sunday, and check out time is 10am.
Past Events
Friday, July 26 to Sunday, July 28
Logistics Deadline: 2024-07-19
OOG Location: Brooks Memorial State Park ELC
2465 US-97, Goldendale, WA 98620
IG Location: Crossroads
Head of Plot: Alex, term 5/6
Notes: Game will be held in the ELC across the street from the listed address. Players may arrive on site at 3pm. Game is called at 8am Sunday, and check out time is 10am.
Blanket: 3
Friday, June 28 to Sunday, June 30
Logistics Deadline: 2024-06-21
OOG Location: Brooks Memorial State Park ELC
2465 US-97, Goldendale, WA 98620
IG Location: Crossroads
Head of Plot: Alex, term 4/6
Notes: Game will be held in the ELC across the street from the listed address. Players may arrive on site at 3pm. Game is called at 8am Sunday, and check out time is 10am.
Blanket: TBD
Friday, May 24 to Sunday, May 26
Logistics Deadline: 2024-05-17
OOG Location: A Private LARP party hosted by Wolf and Chantelle
204 Van Hoesen Rd Onalaska WA 98570
IG Location: TBD
Head of Plot: Alex, term 3/6
Notes: The earliest arrival time has been changed to 6 pm for this event. Players, regardless of staff position or not, are not allowed to arrive before this time or line up on adjacent roads. Game is called at 8am Sunday, and check out time is 10am.
Blanket: 2
Friday, April 19 to Sunday, April 21
Logistics Deadline: 2024-04-12
OOG Location: A private larp party hosted by Wolf and Chantelle
204 Van Hoesen Rd Onalaska WA 98570
IG Location: TBD
Head of Plot: TBD, term 2/6
Notes: The earliest arrival time has been changed to 6 pm for this event. Players, regardless of staff position or not, are not allowed to arrive before this time or line up on adjacent roads. Game is called at 8am Sunday, and check out time is 10am.
Blanket: 2
Friday, March 15 to Sunday, March 17
Logistics Deadline: 2024-03-08
OOG Location: Millersylvania State Park ELC
12245 Tilley Rd SW, Olympia WA
IG Location: Fortnight
Head of Plot: Alex, term 1/6
Notes: Players may arrive on site at 3pm. Game is called at 7am Sunday, and check out time is 10am.
Blanket: 2
Friday, February 2 to Sunday, February 4
Logistics Deadline: 2024-01-26
OOG Location: Millersylvania State Park ELC
12245 Tilley Rd SW, Olympia WA
IG Location: Fortnight
Head of Plot: Andrew A, term 6/6
Notes: Players may arrive on site at 3pm. Game is called at 7am Sunday, and check out time is 10am.
Blanket: 3
Friday, January 5 to Sunday, January 7
Logistics Deadline: 2023-12-29
OOG Location: Millersylvania State Park ELC
12245 Tilley Rd SW, Olympia WA
IG Location: Fortnight
Head of Plot: Andrew A, term 5/6
Blanket: 2
Friday, December 8 to Sunday, December 10
Logistics Deadline: 2023-12-01
OOG Location: Millersylvania State Park ELC
12245 Tilley Rd SW, Olympia WA
IG Location: Fortnight
Head of Plot: Andrew A, term 4/6
Blanket: TBD
Friday, October 27 to Sunday, October 29
Logistics Deadline: 2023-10-20
OOG Location: A private larp party hosted by Wolf and Chantelle
204 Van Hoesen Rd, Onalaska, WA 98570
IG Location: Harm's Way
Head of Plot: TBD, term 3/6
Blanket: TBD
Friday, September 29 to Sunday, October 1
Logistics Deadline: 2023-09-22
OOG Location: A private larp party hosted by Wolf and Chantelle
204 Van Hoesen Rd, Onalaska, WA 98570
IG Location: Harm's Way
Head of Plot: Andrew A, term 2/6
Blanket: 3
Friday, August 25 to Sunday, August 27
Logistics Deadline: 2023-08-18
OOG Location: A private larp party hosted by Wolf and Chantelle
204 Van Hoesen Rd, Onalaska, WA 98570
IG Location: Harm's Way
Head of Plot: Andrew A, term 1/6
Blanket: 2
Friday, July 21 to Sunday, July 23
Logistics Deadline: 2023-07-14
OOG Location: A private larp party hosted by Wolf and Chantelle
204 Van Hoesen Rd Onalaska, WA 98570
IG Location: Harm's Way
Head of Plot: Ben S, term 6/6
Notes: The earliest arrival time has been changed to 6 pm for this event. Players, regardless of staff position or not, are not allowed to arrive before this time or line up on adjacent roads
Blanket: 2
Friday, June 16 to Sunday, June 18
Logistics Deadline: 2023-06-09
OOG Location: A private larp party hosted by Wolf and Chantelle
204 Van Hoesen Rd Onalaska, WA 98570
IG Location: Harm's Way
Head of Plot: Ben S, term 5/6
Blanket: 3
Friday, May 12 to Sunday, May 14
Logistics Deadline: 2023-05-05
OOG Location: Brooks Memorial State Park ELC
2465 US-97, Goldendale, WA 98620
IG Location: Crossroads
Head of Plot: Ben S, term 4/6
Notes: Game will be held in the ELC across the street from the listed address
Blanket: 2
Friday, April 7 to Sunday, April 9
Logistics Deadline: 2023-03-31
OOG Location: Brooks Memorial State Park ELC
2465 US-97, Goldendale, WA 98620
IG Location: Crossroads
Head of Plot: Ben S, term 3/6
Notes: Game will be held in the ELC across the street from the listed address.
Blanket: 2
Friday, March 10 to Sunday, March 12
Logistics Deadline: 2023-03-03
OOG Location: A private larp party hosted by Wolf and Chantelle
204 Van Hoesen Rd Onalaska, WA 98570
IG Location: Harm's Way
Head of Plot: Ben S, term 2/6
Notes: The earliest arrival time has been changed to 6 pm for this event. Players, regardless of staff position or not, are not allowed to arrive before this time or line up on adjacent roads. Game is called at 8am and check out time is 10am.
Blanket: 2
Friday, February 3 to Sunday, February 5
Logistics Deadline: 2023-01-27
OOG Location: Millersylvania State Park ELC
12245 Tilley Rd SW, Olympia WA
IG Location: Fortnight
Head of Plot: Ben S, term 1/6
Blanket: -
Friday, August 5 to Sunday, August 7
Logistics Deadline: 2022-07-29
OOG Location: A private larp party hosted by Wolf and Chantelle
204 Van Hoesen Rd Onalaska, WA 98570
IG Location: Harm's Way
Head of Plot: Andrew A, term 3/6
Blanket: 3
Friday, July 8 to Sunday, July 10
Logistics Deadline: 2022-07-01
OOG Location: Brooks Memorial State Park
Unnamed Road, Goldendale, WA 98620
IG Location: Crossroads
Head of Plot: Andrew A, term 2/6
Blanket: 4
Friday, May 27 to Sunday, May 29
Logistics Deadline: 2022-05-20
OOG Location: Brooks Memorial State Park
2465 Highway 97 Goldendale, WA 98620
IG Location: Crossroads
Head of Plot: Andrew A, term 1/6
Notes: Not likely to be canceled, as this is a different site! Prepay early if you can so the XOs can book a June or July game ASAP.
Blanket: 4
Friday, March 18 to Sunday, March 20
Logistics Deadline: 2022-03-11
OOG Location: Middleground LARP site
204 Van Hoesen Rd Onalaska, WA 98570
IG Location: TBD
Head of Plot: Andrew A, term 1/6
Notes: Canceled due to site issues
Blanket: -
Friday, January 7 to Sunday, January 9
Logistics Deadline: 2021-12-31
OOG Location: Middleground LARP site
204 Van Hoesen Rd Onalaska, WA 98570
Head of Plot: Lorilynn P, term 1/6
Notes: Canceled due to site issues
Blanket: -
Friday, December 10 to Sunday, December 12
Logistics Deadline: 2021-12-03
OOG Location: Middleground LARP site
204 Van Hoesen Rd Onalaska, WA 98570
Head of Plot: Lorilynn P, term 0/6
Notes: Canceled due to site issues
Blanket: -
Friday, November 12 to Sunday, November 14
Logistics Deadline: 2021-11-05
OOG Location: Middleground LARP Site
204 Van Hoesen Rd Onalaska, WA 98570
Head of Plot: Lorilynn P, term 0/6
Notes: Canceled due to site issues
Blanket: -
Friday, October 29 to Sunday, October 31
Logistics Deadline: 2021-10-22
OOG Location: Middleground LARP Site
204 Van Hoesen Rd Onalaska, WA 98570
Head of Plot: Lorilynn P, term 0/6
Notes: Canceled due to storm damage
Blanket: -
Friday, September 10 to Sunday, September 12
Logistics Deadline: 2021-09-03
OOG Location: Middleground LARP Site
204 Van Hoesen Rd Onalaska, WA 98570
IG Location: Harm's Way
Head of Plot: Kitiara Z, term 6/6
Notes: Game called at 8 am Sunday
Blanket: 5
Friday, August 13 to Sunday, August 15
Logistics Deadline: 2021-08-10
OOG Location: Middleground LARP Site
204 Van Hoesen Rd Onalaska, WA 98570
IG Location: Harm's Way
Head of Plot: Kitiara Z, term 5/6
Notes: Game called at 8 am Sunday
Blanket: 4
Friday, July 23 to Sunday, July 25
Logistics Deadline: 2021-09-03
OOG Location: Middleground LARP Site
204 Van Hoesen Rd Onalaska, WA 98570
IG Location: Knyfe Rock
Head of Plot: Kitiara Z, term 4/6
Notes: Game called at 8 am Sunday
Blanket: 5
Friday, March 6 to Sunday, March 8
Logistics Deadline: 2020-02-28
OOG Location: Brooks Memorial State Park
2465 Highway 97 Goldendale, WA 98620
IG Location: The Crossroads
Head of Plot: Kitiara Z, term 3/6
Notes: Game called at 10 am Sunday
Blanket: 3