Getting Started

So, I just heard about Legacies and want to play, but I have no idea what to do first. Where do I start?  

We’re glad you asked! This page is designed to walk you through what to expect! Making a first character can be daunting to a player completely new to a LARP. We know, it’s overwhelming. This guide is here to help you through it, as well as the logistical aspects of joining Legacies. You can view some sample characters here showing some options for how Racial Points and Skill Points can be allocated, and how the personality and history of the character can be fleshed out.You can also check out the appendix in the back of the Legacies Rulebook for a much more detailed guide to Character Creation. Or, if long books aren’t your thing, we’ve summarized the process below. 

Get to site and don’t remember a word of this? Don’t worry, just, ask the nearest person and they’ll happily point you in the right direction, explain what to do, or help you out.

Before Your First Event

  1. Optional - Hop onto the Discord and introduce yourself to the playership! Feel free to ask questions & get answers to them. The chances are good there is at least someone awake who will know which ref to point you at if they don’t have a solid answer for you. If you don't want to chat, that's okay too, but we do reccomend joining and checking the #announcements channel shortly before game, as that's where things like changes to arrival time and other important information is posted.
  2. Come up with a character concept! Take a moment to think about what sort of character you’d like to play, and look through the rulebook. Make note of any abilities you think would be fun as you progress through it, and be sure to read the character creation section in the back. You can also take a look at these Sample Characters for inspiration.
  3. Create a character sheet . Further details are provided in the "Character Creation" section below. Alternatively, you may choose to create a character upon checking in at event.
  4. Email our logistics team at to register. Your email should include the following information.
    • A statement that you'll be a new player in an upcoming event, specifying which month
    • (Optional) Your completed character sheet, with starting equipment
    • (Optional) Your monthly Production, if any

    You may also send these as separate emails - the important part is letting us know you're coming, you can always send your character sheet later. Additionally, feel free to send them questions, ask for guidance, or anything else - they'll be happy to direct you to what you want to know.

  5. Purchase your event ticket.  The event fee for New Players is $25, and $50 for returning players. You can pay by cash on site, or online via the pre-registration site . This money primarily goes to site rental, as well as org upkeep and maintenance costs.
  6. Create a costume! For inspiration, check out your favorite fantasy movie, or historical clothing from real world cultures. Costumes, known as “garb” at Legacies, can often be cheaply assembled through thrift stores such as Goodwill or Value Village. For more costly but quality garb, check out some of the vendors on the Phys-Rep Guide page. See also “Looking for Character Inspiration” on page 12 of the rulebook.
    • For your first three months, you do not need to bring replica weapons or armor. During your “newbie” three month period, you may borrow weapons or garb from Plot camp. You may also make use of armor tags on your character despite not wearing armor phys-reps. After three months pass, you are expected to bring your own garb and weapons, and to only use armor tags that you have phys-reps for.
  7. Pre-order any items you need from the Basic Needs Store channel via Discord. The Basic Needs Store sells a variety of small items that are generally useful for beginner LARPers. Items may be picked up at the Logistics table upon checking in at game. You can also purchase upon arrival, though supply is not guaranteed unless you pre-order. This includes things like locks, tag books, prosthetic ears for paleteth or gael’braugh, vial phys-reps, polish kits, and chalk.
  8. Read through the Game Policies page, particularly the sections regarding the Rules of Conduct and intoxicants.
  9. Pack for game! Make sure to bring: 
    • Garb (your costume and accessories) 
    • Extra warm layers and blankets for cold months
    • Bedding - sleeping bag or blankets, pillow. Does not need to be period, just make sure it’s warm enough. 
    • Winter and Fall - Thermals. It gets cold, and these help a lot in staying warm. Does not need to look period, especially if its mostly covered by the rest of your garb
    • Several more pairs of socks than you think you need (especially in wet months) 
    • Good, comfortable shoes that you can run, walk, and move in. These shoes do not need to be period. Wearing sturdy, comfortable shoes that keep your feet dry is a matter of safety, and at Legacies, safety always trumps immersion. So wear good, comfortable shoes, not necessarily period ones.
    • Boffers (physical representations of weapons, shields, claws)
    • White and orange headbands (For spirit & Out of Game, respectively)
    • Coin and tags - you'll get these at game, but remember to pack them on your second event and beyond!
    • Racial Makeup, 
    • Toiletries
    • Any required Medications 
    • Food for each day - aim for something easy to prepare, plus plenty of filling snacks. Many sites have a small kitchen, stocked with pots, pans, and cooking implements
    • Optional - NPC Blacks. These are clothes to wear underneath plot garb while volunteering as an NPC. Typically, this is a black shirt and black pants, including sweats. 
    • Signed Parental Waiver (if under 18)

    Character Creation

    1. Fill out the character creation sheet. Don't worry about getting it perfect - as a new player, you'll have access to a "Newbie Rewrite" in which you can change up your skills and character after your first event if you don't like it. Just create a character that sounds fun to you.

      You can also find this sheet and many other useful tools in the #character-utils, #org-forms, and #helpful-links channels on the Discord.

    2. Choose Equipment! Fill out the "smithed", "mystic", and "alchemy" tabs of the character builder. If you're looking for guidelines, you can check out our Starter Equipment page for some examples & instructions on how to customize your kit.
    3. Check out the "Optional - Spend Favor" on p. 11 of the rulebook, and decide whether you wish to spend your starting Favor on more money, more skill points, or a Contact.
    4. If you choose to build a character with Production skills, such as "smith" or "alchemist", fill out the monthly production sheet. This sheet is used to create items before your first event, such as smithed goods, alchemy, spell scrolls or potions, ritual scrolls, invocations, or ressurection stones. You'll fill out a similar sheet before every event going forward.

    What To Do Upon Arrival

    1. Drive up to the site. Directions are often provided to clarify turns or parking instructions.
    2. Unpack your stuff! Take your gear out of your car and set it on a bunk in one of the cabins. If nobody's things are on the top of the bunk yet, it's free, and you can take it.
    3. Check in with Logistics. Logistics is frequently located at a table in the kitchen of the main “tavern” building, often with a line of players waiting to check in.  As part of the check in, do the following:
      • Sign & print your name on the check-in forms, attestation forms, & safety waivers.
      • If you chose not to prepay for event via the Square Store, pay logistics with cash.
      • If under 18, provide your signed Parental Waiver.
      • Collect your character card.
    4. Get any boffer weapons and shields you brought checked with a Safety ref. You can identify safety refs by the presence of an orange cross somewhere on their garb. You may also be able to do this while in the Logistics line (see previous step).
    5. Get into your garb, then head into game.
    6. Game begins at 8:00, though many people often arrive later. After game on, please wear an orange headband to indicate that you are Out Of Game until you are ready to begin acting in character. If you don't have an orange headband handy, hold your arm or a weapon or claw boffer over your head instead.

    During The Event

    Game usually starts at 8:00 PM. From then on you will be roleplaying as your character. Check out the timeline for what that might look like.


    1. Personal Belongings: Pack up your belongings and remove them from your cabin.
    2. Cabin Cleanup: Clean cabins according to the checklist located in each cabin.
    3. Chores: Identify and complete assigned clean-up chores. Clean-up chore assignments are often posted in the kitchen & logistics area.
    4. Check-Out: After finishing your chore, head to Logistics and check out. Talk to Logistics about any changes made to your character sheet.
    5. Closing Ceremonies: After everyone's finished with chores and Check Out, we take a few minutes to talk about the game, share some stories, make relevant team annoucnements, and socialize.
    6. Afters: If you like, join us at a nearby restaurant to hang out, talk about game and decompress over a good meal. If afters are being held, this will be announced at Closing Ceremonies.