Starter Equipment

About Items

Each item that affects the game world in a mechanical way must have both a phys-rep and an item tag. New characters will enter game with a number of item tags, as well as some in game currency. You do not need to acquire an item tag for everything in your garb, such as your shirts, your backpack, and similar. You only require tags for your weapons, your armor, and any of the artificer items in the rulebook.

For your first three months, you do not need to have actual armor physreps to gain the benefit of an armor tag. Additionally, you may borrow weapon and garb phys-reps from plot as needed. Phys-reps for other common items, such as lockpicks, potion vials, and whetstones, can be easily aquired via our Basic Needs Store channel on the discord.

Equipment falls under 3 different general categories: Alchemy, Smithing, and Magic. Magic consists of spell scrolls, spell potions, invocations & ritual scrolls. Potions may be used by all characters, but spell scrolls require the "Read Magic" skill to cast, while Invocations and Ritual Scrolls require the Incanter and Invoker skill to cast. Alchemical items are vials with varied effects, divided into the Medicinal, Poison, and Reactive categories. Medicinals focus on healing, poisons on harming other characters, and reactives are special tools to counter various other in-game effects and circumstances. Smithed items represent weapons, armor, and a wide variety of other minor items.

Item tags are typically carried in a small tag wallet, bag, or similar container. Optionally, you may tape them to the appropriate phys-rep.

In addition to your item tags, your character will enter game with some amount of in-game currency. This currency will be given in coppers, silvers, and gold pieces. There are 10 coppers to one silver piece, and 10 silvers to a gold. You may also be provided with some currency in 5 silver notes, or in multi-gold gems.

Choosing Starter Equipment

As a new player, your first character will start with 200 Coppers worth of equipment. When you send in your character creation spreadsheet, look at the additional pages labled "Smithed Items", "Alchemy", and "Mystic". You may use these sheets to choose your starting equipment and calculate how much currency you have remaining. Optionally, you may use some of your starting Favor (a meta currency awarded at character creation or for helping support the Legacies organization) for additional currency. Favor can be exchanged at a rate of 1 favor per 2 Copper. It may also be exchanged for additional Skill Points, as described in the favor to skill point calculator. New players start with 250 favor.

To choose your starting equipment you have the following options:

If you find after your first few events that you did not use an item, or you should have purchased other items, this is easily correctable. All new characters have a full rewrite they can use to change their skills and equipment in their first three months of play.

Of note, all of the starter kits total to 10 Gold / 1000 Copper worth of equipment - they do not take into account gold from skill points. As a result, most first-time characters should have an additional 10 gold on top of this to spend if they wish.

The abbreviations "SC" and "MC" in the starter kits refer to "Standard Crafted" and "Master Crafted" items, respectively.

For descriptions of what each item does, please refer to the Legacies rulebook, or ask in the Discord.

Starter Kits

Basic Kit

Total Cost: 738 Copper

We suggest this kit for almost all characters. Additionally, we recommend choosing an additional starter pack closest to what type of character you envision and adding more equipment from it as a guide. 

  • x1 MC One Handed Weapon
  • x1 SC Shield
  • x2 SC Rigid Half Limbs
  • x1 SC Mixed Torso
  • x5 Black Solaris
  • x5 Hypnos
  • x5 Stasis
  • x5 Panacea
  • x5 Argentum
  • x5 KF 50
  • x5 AV 50

Total Cost: 1335 Copper

  • x1 SC Soft Torso
  • x1 SC Chain/Mixed Torso
  • x1 SC Rigid Torso
  • x2 SC Rigid Half Limbs
  • x1  SC Rigid Head
  • x1 SC Rigid Neck
  • x1 SC Shield
  • x1 SC One Handed Weapon
  • x5 AV 50
  • x5 Argentum
  • x5 Innoculate
  • x5 Moment of Clarity Potions
  • x5 Life Potions

Total Cost: 1740 Copper

  • x2 SC One Handed Weapon
  • x5 SC Lockpicks
  • x2 MC Lockpicks
  • x3 Silver Polish
  • x3 Gold Polish
  • x3 Iron Polish
  • x2 Hypnos
  • x5 Pixie Dust
  • x3 Adhesion
  • x3 Alkahest
  • x5 Stasis

Total Cost: 717

See also the “Warrior - Light Armor” kit if desired

  • SC soft torso x1
  • SC soft 1/2 limb x2
  • SC chain torso x1
  • SC Rigid torso x1
  • SC Rigid 1/2 limb x2
  • SC Shield x1
  • SC Rope - 10 foot length x2
  • SC One Handed Weapon x2
  • SC Two Handed Weapon x2
  • SC Simple Item x5
  • SC Moderate Item x5
  • SC Major Item x5
  • Gold Polish x5
  • Silver Polish x5
  • Iron Polish x5
  • Armor Repair Kit x5
  • Whetstone x5
  • Candle/Torch x5

Total Copper: 1950

  • x1 Black Solaris
  • x1 Faerrum
  • x1 Holy Water
  • x1 Hypnos
  • x1 Pixie Dust
  • x1 Quicksilver
  • x1 Vitriol
  • x1 Wyvern Poison
  • x5 Aqua Vitae 50
  • x2 Argentum
  • x2 Inoculation
  • x2 Panacea
  • x2 Stasis
  • x2 Terra Corpus
  • x1 Adhesion
  • x2 Alkahest
  • x2 Cremation
  • x2 Corpus Terra
  • x1 Ghost Dust
  • x5 Krecian Fire 50

Total Cost: 1971 Copper

  • x5 Heal Potions
  • x5 Restoration Potions
  • x10 Life Potions
  • x30 Aqua Vitae 50
  • x5 Argentum
  • x5 Inoculation
  • x5 Panacea
  • x5 Salvus
  • x5 Terra Corpus

Total Cost: 1710 Copper

  • x2 Empower Potions
  • x3 Permanent Ritual Symbols (MC)
  • x1 Gold Ingot
  • x1 Iron Ingot
  • x1 Silver Ingot
  • x2 Candles
  • x2 SC Moderate Items (Shaped Crystals)
  • x2 Simple Items (Book, Mirror)
  • x1 Instill Expertise Scroll
  • x1 Keen Artifact Scroll
  • x1 Intone Artifact Scroll
  • x1 Scry Scroll
  • x2 Whetstones

Total Cost: 1716 copper

  • x30 Resurrection Stone
  • x5 Soul Jar
  • x5 Greater Soul Jar
  • x5 Consecrate
  • x1 MC Simple Crafted Item (For a reliquary) 

Total Cost: 1875 copper

These starter kits were last updated on 07/09/2024 with the Summer 2024 Rules Release. Some items and prices may change in subsequent rules releases. If there is a conflict between this page and the character creation spreadsheet, please defer to the current character creation spreadsheet.